lunes, 11 de enero de 2021

¿Son todos los hijos iguales?.

"Mi libro"Why do children abandon their elders?
 Parents begin to get older; and they see that their children no longer visit them as often as before.
 Wrapped in grief, they begin to think, why at that advanced age, they do not even have the right to enjoy a little of their already grown children; and grandchildren in their anguished life; and loneliness, when before it was all joy ?.
Because they may be sick, or not able to fend for themselves, it is when the children make the decision to put a lady to take care of them, or to put them in a nursing home, to take care of them.
While the children, (because there are children for all tastes), think that they hinder them, as if they were useless objects, or that because they do not have money they no longer serve them, for example.
What older people do is try not to live alone; and they ask their children for care at least once a week, to visit them at home.
 They do not want to hear that they are a hindrance, they are parents who not only gave them life, but were always by their children, in good times; and bad, raising them in each fall; and in the achievements they had throughout their lives.
The payment is sometimes hard, on the part of the children, insensitive children who only look at their navel; and they do not think that at some point in their lives, their parents will grow old like today; and that maybe they are healthy, or not; and they will not want their children to ignore them, or put them in a residence; and if they were ever their parents, today they are nothing.
Because the day they are no longer on this earth is when they cry lamenting saying: poor my parents, how much they loved us, what good people they were, they were our guide in life; And one thinks: how much impudence they have, that kind of children who did not even remember them in life, who when their parents demanded that they be by their side, they gave them excuses after excuses not to take care of them ...
Antonio Pedrosa- ..

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